Monday, February 24, 2020

Annual Wave

Heyo! Still here! Tfu, tfu. 

Lots of updates since my last post almost 2 years ago, but I can see that there's been traffic, probably mostly from newly diagnosed fellow PMBCL patients (sent directly from our FB support group). If that's you, Hi!!

If you're a friend of mine, and we've been in touch the past 10 years, I don't have any new information to share, but perhaps a little bit of wisdom and happiness.

Since the last post, we have moved to a new house and adopted a new dog. We are all hopelessly in love with him (check out many more photos on his instagram page @RudyPrinceofFluff).

I have a new job this year, working as the Program Manager for an incredible non-profit teaching health education, journalism, and media literacy skills to K-8 students.

But what really brings me here tonight is that exactly 5 years ago, my amniotic sac had sprung a leak and I was watching Downton Abbey, waiting for active labor to kick in.

My little fish had flipped back head down but wasn't sure if he really wanted to come out.

Lucky for us, he did make his way into the world and we have been so so lucky to watch him grow into himself over the past 5 very brief years.

Tomorrow he wakes up 5 whole years old. One whole hand!

We can't stop time, it often feels like a boardwalk roller coaster. Get in and buckle up, or be left behind watching from the bottom. Sometimes it seems I'm doing both, especially when parenting.

Life is busy, filled with small disasters, exhausting days, rewarding moments, fantastic friends, a little self care, and a never ending To Do list.

I am so grateful to be here for all of it.

Carry on.

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